Thursday, December 29, 2011

Zoo Lights, Stomach Bugs and Shots...OH MY!

It's been an interesting week to say the least. It started off with 2 Christmas Eve services at Impact Church. Now, I've never been a Children's Director during the Christmas season and when I agreed to gather all children to sing 2 songs during the service I don't think I quite knew what I was getting myself into. The service was great and the kids did amazing...but the behind the scenes action however was not so great. We had way more kids than volunteers, 2 kids puked, and one pee'd on the stage while singing. The good news...I will definatly be better prepared for the next big event. The bad news...I ended up getting the pukey kids 24 hour stomach bug.

My family flew into town on Christmas Day and we had the most wonderful time. We had a packed house for Christmas dinner...My parents, Joy, Eric's Parents, his sister and then Eric and I. The food was amazing, the company was good and the games we played were hilarious. I think I could get use to having Christmas at my house!

I have a fertility appt tomorrow...They are to go over the details of my embryo transfer. I'm excited to get the details because I've been really nervous just thinking about the procedure. The shots and creams have been SUPER annoying...and gross..and something I'm quite frankly sick of doing. I've now added progesterone injections in addition to the other things, and they hurt like hell! Both sides of my hips/butt are bruised and numb.  I'm really trying to stay focused on the fact that it's only for a few more weeks and that if I end up pregnant I will NEVER have to do this again. I really REALLY pray this works the first time.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Phase 2

I started phase 2 of my IVF cycle one week ago today. So far...So good! I'm taking an estrogen pill 2 times a day, doing a lupron injection once a day, as well as an awesome creme. Can I just say that doing a cream is completely gross! I would rather have more injections then do a nasty ole cream...just sayin'.

As far as my side effects go, I haven't had many. I have a few bruises on my stomach from the injections and I've been a bit emotional....nothing I can't handle. I just pray things stay this way. Eric and I have family coming into town for Christmas and I really don't want to be an emotional basket case like I was last time. I've had enough of "crazy" and I know Eric has as well....Poor Guy :/

I go back to the Dr. next week to get blood work and an ultrasound done. They will also go over 2 new medications I'll start. One is a progesterone injection that Eric will have to give to me since it will have to go in my booty...nice. Can't wait to see how that goes! lol  

My shipment of drugs this time around wasn't too scary

This is my schedule...It's pretty rigorous!

Friday, December 2, 2011


Well folks....the cysts are gone! Eric and I are now free to start the next phase of our IVF journey. It's the best news I have heard in months. I left the doctors office this morning with a huge smile on my face...I'm pretty sure that smile will last for the next few days.

On Monday I call to find out the details of this next phase...when it will start, how long it will take, what drugs I will be on, and hopefully my implantation date.