I cannot believe the month of February is almost over. It seems as the boys get older the months get shorter...or at least it feels that way. This month the boys' had their first Valentine's Day, they both learned how to roll over, they ate people food, and are now 5 months old.
For Valentine's Day this year I wanted to do something special and the boys told me they wanted to so something sweet for Daddy. My original plan was to have them dressed in cute lil Valentine's outfits and have a nice dinner cooked by the time Eric got home. I think I set my expectations a lil too high...or at least I forgot to take into consideration the fact that I have twins boys that need my constant attention. Plan A didn't quite work out...so I came up with Plan B. A homemade card from the boys and some yummy Amish friendship bread from me.
Picture that was on Daddy's homemade card |
The boys had thrww great accomplishments this month...The first was that they can now both roll over. From back to front and from front to back. The first few times this occurred I totally missed it! I was either on my phone or watching TV...Darn you technology! I was a little worried that I would never be able to catch this monumental event on camera but...once they got the hang of it, I couldn't stop them from rolling. This month the boys tried people food for the very first time. We steamed some carrots, mashed them a little and then let them go to town. They played more than they ate and neither really seemed to care for the taste. We will give it a try again and if they don't like it we will try another veggie. Last but not least...The boys have been sleeping through the night! Well...Not every night, but they do manage to sleep from 7 pm - 7 am a few nights before going back to their old routine. The first few nights this happened I woke up in a panic, I quickly went into their room to check for breathing...and of course, both were breathing just fine. I am so excited about the thought of getting back to a normal sleep routine, I miss my sleep a lot!

Each and everyday I seem to fall more in love with my little men. I never quite knew it was possible to love someone so much. Yes, I love my husband, parents, siblings and friends...but the love you have for your child is something that's far deeper than anything I've ever experienced. Everyday I think God for the tiny miracles he has given me...They truly are blessings and I'm so lucky that I have been given the opportunity to be their mom.
LOVE your updates! Oh those boys are SO precious! I wanna gobble them up!
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