37 Weeks...Woah Momma! |
I had a bit of a false alarm today....my second one actually. The Braxton Hicks were so strong and kinda close together that I thought it was time. I just got home from the hospital where I was told that I'm not in labor and that everything is just fine. You would think I would be happy with such a great report...I am, but I'm also SO READY for these stinking babies to come out! I have never been so uncomfortable in my entire life! I'm now 37 weeks pregnant and it doesn't look like these boys want to join us anytime soon. I've been in tears a few times at the thought of having to continue on like this. So...I called my Dr. and scheduled a c-section. That's the only way I know for sure that they will come and this will be over. I think it's a better birth plan for me as well...The thought of having to push two 6 pound babies out of my who-ha does NOT sound appealing.
Christian Robert & Caleb David will be joining our family on September 10th, 2012. My C-Section is scheduled for 7:30 am. We have been told to arrive at the hospital at 6 am so that we can fill out paperwork and I can be admitted. I feel such relief knowing that this pregnancy journey is almost coming to an end and that a new one is about to start. I cannot believe in a week I will be meeting my boys. I cannot wait to see what they look like and to kiss their lil faces. I'm actually not even nervous about the delivery. I think because I've had surgeries before and have been in and out of hospitals I feel a sense of peace. Thank the Lord for that! Anyway...The next time I write I will officially be a mommie! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!
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