I would like to officially introduce you to Christian and Caleb!. They were born Sept. 10th, 2012 at 8:50 & 8:51 am. Christian at 6.3 lbs and Caleb at 5.13 lbs. So much has happen since their birth 2 weeks ago, so I will start from the beginning and try not to leave anything out.
Our First Family Photo :) |
Eric and I showed up to the hospital at 6 am ready to have some babies. We filled out a lot of paperwork, were admitted and then I was hooked up to a ton of different monitors. Then the waiting began. At 7:00 the nurse came in and said that my C-Section was going to be delayed a little bit because my Dr. had been called into an emergency C-Section. I was a little annoyed but then realized had I been that mom needing that emergency surgery I would want my Dr. there asap. So, we waited a little longer. As I waited I started to get really nervous. Not really about the epidural or surgery but about becoming a mom. Would I know what to do once they were here? Would I be a good mom? You know...the things most first time moms freak out about. Anyway....At 8:00 they came to get us and it was show time! I was taken back to the operating room where they gave me a spinal block and epidural. The great thing about this hospital is that they allow husbands to be there with their wives as they get it. I wasn't too nervous about it hurting, but was happy to have Eric there to hold my hand. The procedure was a piece of cake, the only thing that really hurt was the numbing medication, it was a bee sting followed by a slight burning sensation. The weirdest part was how FAST the medication worked. The nurses had to help me lay back and had to put my legs up on the table for me. It was so strange to see my torso yet feel absolutely nothing...and to have no control over that portion of my body. Once I was laying down and in position, a draped was placed between my chest and the rest of my body. Eric sat on my left and the anesthesiologist to my right. He explained that if I felt uncomfortable or felt anything kinda weird to let him know and he could help. I laid there for a few minutes when all of a sudden the most horrific smell came over me. I looked at Eric and asked if they had started and what the horrible smell was. The anesthesiologist told me they had indeed started and that the babies would be here shortly. I guess the smell was a little more overwhelming as I thought and he kindly gave me something to help with the nausea. Shortly after that I felt as if I were getting a massive headache, so I turned to Eric and told him. The anesthesiologist then again walked over to my IV and gave me some meds for that. I'd have to say I love that anesthesiologist, he saved me from having a horrible experience. The next thing I know, Eric is jumping up with the camera and I'm hearing baby cries. First one cry then two. I remember being in total shock. I couldn't believe I had actually made it through a pregnancy and through my delivery and that the boys were here. I know I started to cry a bit and then I realized I was laying there all alone. I thought...what the heck?! I do all the work and then I'm left here alone? I think I even called out hello because the sweet anesthesiologist said "Don't worry, I'm right here and they are almost done." Eric came over to kiss me and tell me how much he loved me...then he showed me the two most beautifully perfect boys I have ever seen. It was definitely love at first sight. Dang...I'm crying now as I right this. Darn you hormones! lol
Cuddle time with Christian |
Cuddle time with Caleb |
The rest seems like a bit of a blur. I was taken to recovery with the boys and was able to hold each of them before the nurses came to take them for their first bath and clean up. Then...things seem to get a little more serious from there. My mother came to tell me that Caleb had started having trouble breathing and that they had taken him to the NICU for some tests. He remained there for the next week. It was awful! They didn't know what exactly was wrong with him and seeing him hooked to all of those machines killed me. The only thing that got me through that week in the hospital was that I had Christian to care for. He was the perfect distraction. I do not know how mothers deal with having a baby in the NICU while sitting in an empty hospital room. End the end Caleb was found to have pneumonia and after a week was able to come home. We welcomed them both home on September 17th. It was the best day.
Baby Boys coming home...TOGETHER! |
My mom has been staying with us and I think that the three of us, Eric, my mother and I are a bit like zombies. Breast feeding every three hours, pumping, changing diapers, putting down to sleep and repeat. I don't exactly know how much sleep I'm getting and i'm actually quite surprised I was able to write such a lengthy post. I'll try to keep up the writing but Im sure that these boys will keep me a bit occupied :)
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