Monday, July 25, 2011


I've been debating whether I should write about the topic of IVF. I didn't really know if I wanted to get that personal on my blog. After all...what I write is out there for the world to see. Do I really want everyone knowing that much about my personal life?  And then I thought...If I write about my experiences with IVF and in the end don't end up with a bouncing bundle of joy...will I really want people knowing I failed? I've come realize that maybe I'm being just a little selfish. What if my experiences help someone going through the same thing? I guess I feel like if I could help just one person know what to expect or to know they aren't alone then sharing my story will be worth it.

I've always thought getting pregnant probably wouldn't be easy for me. I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis at the age of for more than half of my life I've been on some pretty hard core medications. I always just assumed that these medications would make me infertile or that I wouldn't be able to come off of them for the 9+ months I would need too while pregnant. It came as complete surprise to me when I was told by my Rheumatologist that I could in fact come off my meds and carry a baby successfully. He even said that most of his patients go into remission during pregnancy! So...In January, Eric and I decided to start trying. After trying for 6 months with no success and the fact that I was no longer ovulating, my primary care Dr. advised us to see a fertility specialist.

I never knew walking through the doors of a fertility clinic would be so nerve wracking! Eric and I had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. It probably would have helped us out a little if we would have done our research, but....we didn't. At our first appointment we met with one of the nurses who performed an ultrasound, went over our medical history, and provided us with a background of the clinic. From there we met with the Dr. who advised that once all of our test results were back he would be able to let us know what route of treatment would be best for us.

Our 2nd appointment was scheduled for 2 weeks that time we were told that IVF would be the best route for our situation. We were provided a calendar of "events" and an overview of what to expect. Talk about Overwhelming!! Eric and I left there with our heads spinning....we knew there would be a lot of things to do and drugs to take but we definitely weren't prepared for just how intense this journey would be.

Friday, July 15, 2011


I will admit...I love reality TV! And not just any reality TV...I love the drama filled, cat fighting, funny and love inspiring girl shows. Shows such as; Housewives of Orange County, New York, Beverly Hills and Atlanta....Guiliana & Bill...and last but certainly not least, Bethenny Ever After. I'm invested in these shows...They make me laugh, they make me cry, and sometimes...they make me down right irritated. These shows also make me thankful to live such a normal life.

In becoming invested in these shows I've become attached to some of the people on them. Some might say that I'm really just obsessed. If telling people that I feel like Bethenny and I would be great friends, and secretly ARE great friends....then ok, I might be a lil obsessed. Either way...I think she is great! So...Naturally, when I found out she was coming to Phoenix to promote her new skinny girl sangria I knew I had to be there. 

Most events like this usually happen during the week and in the middle of a work for the working girl, they are nearly impossible to attend. I would normally be one of those working girls unable to attend, but on this day however...I had some free time.

Sadly, I cant say that I actually met her or that I got her autograph (the line for that was insane) but I did get to see her. I tried her new drink, bought her new book, and snapped a few photos. It was exciting and fun and I'm so glad I was able to go.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Haboob - 1 Phoenix - 0

a thick dust storm or sandstorm that blows in the deserts of North Africa and Arabia or on the plains of India
They blow in the deserts of Phoenix, Arizona as well...Who knew?!  It was pretty cool to watch...but not so cool to clean up after.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A little less shady please!

Things don't always go the way I want. Surprising huh? You would think that I would know this by now...that I wouldn't be surprised when things go wrong. But, once again I am surprised by the actions of others and a little disappointed that things didn't go the way I wanted. I guess life wouldn't be to much fun if everything went my way or if people were always as good as I expect them to be. Needless to say, my career with Mercy Medical was very short lived...3 weeks to be exact. Along with a nice size salary, I was promised bonuses, a suit and dry cleaning allowance, and that I would be paid to get manicures and pedicures. Sound too good to be true? was. Things got shady pretty fast. I won't go into too much detail, but lets just say that after 3 weeks, one of our 3 employees was fired, the doors hadn't opened to customers, and...I hadn't been paid. Not being paid alone was enough for me to realize that I needed to get the heck outta there.

So...Here I am, once again...temporarily retired. I'm hoping the next opportunity to come my way is a little less shady and a little more reliable.

And for those of you who are wondering, yes....I eventually got paid. :)