Monday, November 12, 2012

Two Months!

The boys had their two month check up today and they did awesome! Christian is 12 lbs 11 oz & 23 inches long. Caleb is 13 lbs 3 oz & 23 inches as well. Who knew that lil baby Caleb would out grow his big brother! Along with getting their measurements they got their vaccinations. I was anxious to see how they would react but they both did great! Just a lil cry and it didn't last long. So proud of them! It was great to hear that I have two very healthy growing boys.

Eric and I continue to be VERY sleep deprived. The boys still wake about 3 times a night to eat. The only saving grace is that Eric is still at home on leave. We have implemented a new plan where we rotate who gets to "sleep in" each morning. I swear that's the only reason we are surviving. I have no idea what we are going to do once he goes back to work and neither of us get to "sleep in". Lord help us!

The boys still sleep together in the pack-n-play that's in our room. I have a feeling this will not last too much longer as they are practically sleeping on top of each other. I think we have decided that on Thanksgiving night we are going to make the transition from pack-n-play to big boy crib in the nursery. I'm a little bit nervous about this but have heard that it helps the boys to sleep longer and helps me to sleep better as well.
Sleepin' in the pack-n-play
The coolest thing about two months is that the boys SMILED for the first time! These were no gas bubble smiles, they were real smiles of joy. I was actually able to catch it on camera...melted my heart. I'm in love :)