Friday, January 3, 2014

Merry Christmas & Happy 2014!

What a whirlwind this last month has been! The holidays are always filled with so much to do...Decorating and putting lights up on the house, parties to attend, Christmas cards to be made and sent out, shopping for gifts and making sure all are wrapped and under the tree...after all of that, who has time for anything else?

I would say that even as busy and as hectic as the holidays were for us, they were also very wonderful. December started off with a horrible ice storm (icemegeddon) that shut down almost everything for at least one day...schools closed for a few more. Most people complained about how nuts they were going while being stuck inside all day but I thought it was wonderful! I had my hubby home from work and we had three full days of quality family time. The boys seemed to love their first ice storm too!

The boys had their 15 month well visit and while they got an A+ on their report cards, It was a little rough on momma. Eric wasn't able to go with us to the appt so I went solo. Normally that's not a huge deal for me as I've done it many times before...this time however, both boys got 4 shots, OUCH...and the appt was right in the middle of their nap, Double OUCH! Needless to say, next time they have a well visit with shots...Eric to be there. lol!

25 lbs 10 oz  &  31.8 Inches
24 lbs 6 oz  &  32 Inches

Christmas was much more fun this year with the boys. We had our first twin cookie decorating party! I'm pretty sure the mommas decorated while the babies enjoyed the sweets...even so, it was a huge success! On Christmas morning we cooked a special breakfast and then let them open a few gifts before the rest of the family came over for lunch. It took them a little while to figure out how to open a gift and once they did they still only wanted to play with the wrapping and tissue paper. Maybe next year they will be a little easier.

Cookie Decorating with Twin Friends

My dear sweet friend Susan came into town from Arizona with her daughter Faith. The 5 of us had so much fun! Two young mommas, in a mini van filled with three babies...If you would have asked us 8 years ago what our lives would look like in a few years...we def would NOT have pictured this.

We ended the year by celebrating with a few of our closest friends. Steak & game night at the Lupton's! Kelly decided it would be cute for the girls to wear matching footed Pj's...our babies wear them so why not us?! LOL! I can honestly say that I'm a little glad 2013 is over and done with...mostly because the first full year of having twin babies was so so hard! has been the most rewarding thing Eric and I have ever done. I cannot wait to see what this next year holds for our little family. All I know is that I am truly blessed.