Monday, August 13, 2012

Third Trimester, Baby Showers and...Bed Rest

It's definitely like people say...the third trimester stinks! Along with being large and feeling like a whale a whole new set of pregnancy symptoms have arrived. Sleep is a thing of the past...I get up pretty much every hour to pee and even if I didn't, I'd wake up because laying down is so uncomfortable. My awesome preggy pillow helped for awhile but now nothing seems to help. Another awesome symptom is heartburn. I've never experienced heartburn until now and HOLY COW it use to just happen at night but lately it happens all darn day, no matter what I eat! Tums have become my best friend. I also have had very dry flat hair and gross pimply skin...have I returned to Jr. High? Whoever said that pregnancy brings beautiful glowing skin and thick luscious hair lied. HA! I'd have to say the worst of my symptoms is the one told me about this lil issue. Every afternoon I begin to itch all over my body...its horrible and nothing seems to help. I've taken benadryl, oatmeal baths, rubbed lotion all over my body and nothing helps. I want to crawl out of my skin! I cannot wait for this issue to go away...according to my doctor it probably won't until after the pregnancy, lovely.  As for other symptoms, there is extremely dry skin, gas, swollen hands and feet, night sweats and extreme fatigue. I just cannot for the life of me understand why some women love being's not really that much fun.

Aside from all of the awful symptoms, there are some pretty great things about being pregnant. First, is being able to feel my lil boys kicking and moving all around. It's so amazing to think that in another month I will get to meet my boys. Some days it doesn't even seem real. Another great thing is that people, even strangers, are so nice! I went to the DMV a few weeks ago to get my Texas drivers license. There was a huge line outside and I was dreading having to stand in the heat. The good news is that I didn't have to thanks to this nice man who let me have his place in line and seat inside! If I weren't pregnant I know that would not have happened. I have also loved my baby showers. Yes getting baby gifts is a great thing, especially when expecting twins and needing two of everything. But the best part about them is to see how very loved I am and how lucky I am to have such great friends and family. I had two amazing was a Thing One & Thing Two themed shower. It was the cutest!! I'd have to say I have some pretty creative friends. Such great memories came from these showers and my boys will now have everything they need once they come into this world.
My Beautiful Hosts
I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my boys. I've heard that most twins arrive early and I'm kinda hoping my boys do as well. Although not too early because I of course want them to be healthy. I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions for awhile now and boy do some of them hurt. Some hurt so bad that I start to time the frequency and duration. I can't imagine how labor will feel if these braxton hicks hurt like they do. Yikes! I'm a little nervous about delivery. I had an appt with my OBGYN last week and I'm still on for a natural delivery at this point. (Natural with drugs that is) She said that the boys are still both head down and look great. She said I was doing well but that I need to go on bed rest. I was a little shocked by this because my blood pressure has been great and I've really been taking it easy. I guess I've dilated a little and am 50% effaced. I'm just thankful that I've had my baby showers and that we finished our childbirth class. Those were the two things I did NOT want to miss. I guess now it's all just a waiting game...tick tock, tick tock...