Saturday, May 26, 2012

2nd Trimester

Today I'm 23 weeks pregnant! My second trimester has brought me a TON of relief. I am no longer naseaus (not that I had a ton of that), I no longer feel fat and bloated and for the first time in awhile feel really GOOD. I'm also far enough along that there is no doubt I'm pregnant...I'm passed the awkward pregnancy phase. WOO HOO! I actually bought some maternity clothes the other day...I tried to hold out as long as I could but when I could no longer fit into my shirts or zip my pants I knew it was time. :)

Eric and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary in Napa/Sonoma and San Francisco for Emily and Jason's wedding. It was the perfect place to celebrate...minus the fact that I was in Napa and unable to drink some fabulous wine. I was a little worried that I would get to the wedding and be unable to fit in my bridesmaid dress thanks to my ever growing belly. BUT....thank the Lord I fit into it just fine. I will say that it was a bit tight and if the wedding had been a week later I would NOT have been able to wear it. Funny how things work at the perfect timing. Emily and Jason's wedding was so beautiful and I am so happy that I was able to be part of their big day. San Francisco was pretty fun too...We saw the golden gate bridge, Alcatraz and ate at some pretty great places. The only downfall was that it was FREEZING! Oh...and having to walk everywhere while pregnant was a bit of a pain in the butt. I'm glad were able to visit the city but It's safe to say we probably won't be making it back there anytime soon. Just too cold!

While we were in Cali I seemed to grow over night...each morning Eric and I would wake up and think..."holy cow, my belly is huge!" Its pretty exciting to think that you boys are growing so fast...before we know it you will be here! I cannot wait for that day. In the meantime, I will enjoy my second trimester and the "break" from pregnancy it gives me :)

At the wedding
Eric and I with the newlyweds
23 Weeks!