Friday, January 11, 2013

Four Months!


The boys are officially 4 months old! They had their check up yesterday and they aced it with flying colors. Christian is 16 lbs 2 oz and 25.3 inchs long. Caleb is 17 lbs 3 oz and 25.5 inches long. Eric and I were both WAY off when guessing how much they would weigh. I had no idea they would be lil chunkers. The Doctor said they have met all of their milestones and that they can start cereal now. I have been waiting for this day. The boys are ALWAYS hungry and never seem to get full. So, with cereal I'm praying that it not only help fill them up but will also help them sleep longer at night. Momma needs some sleep!

So, we ended up trying cereal for the first time yesterday and will be trying it again today. It was the funniest thing! The boys had absoultely no idea what to do with it and it got everywhere. I loved seeing the faces they made once the food hit their mouth. At first they weren't quite sure they liked it but then once they tasted it they rather liked it. The cereal didn't help their sleeping last night, but I know its going to take some time. I'm actually ok with their sleeping pattern right now. We have been bathing them at 6:30 then dressing, feeding and to bed by 7/7:15. They have been waking up around 3:00 for a feed and then will sleep again til about 7. Its nice to know that they will wake up once every night. I'd much rather  have no night feedings but I'll take one feeding over multiple anyday.

Jumpers...Pretty much the best invention of baby toys ever. Now that the boys can hold their heads up and are pretty sturdy they can play in their jumpers. This is great news for me as it gives my arms a lil break...I can get some stuff done around the house! It's great for the boys too. They LOVE being in them.  The first few times of being in the jumper they didn't know what to do and would just sit there. But they eventually got the hang of it and are jumping fools! The only downfall is that they take up so much room! This just means I need to finish the upstairs loft area so we can move all baby toys up stairs. Lots of room to play up there...And I can have my house back :)
