Thursday, August 25, 2011


I had my egg retrieval about a week ago. I thought I would be prepared for it, but again I guess I was wrong. I've had surgeries in the past...never had issues with anesthesia or pain meds, and usually had a fast painless recovery. While this procedure did go well, the after effects did not. I got sick from the anesthesia and was in a lot of pain. I was told that my recovery would be a day and that I should be able work after that. Well....that didn't happen. I was lucky enough to get a syndrome called ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS) which caused fluid to collect around my entire abdomen and in my chest as well. I did a little research and only about 14% of IVF patients get this OHSS...I'm pretty lucky right? 

I have to say that my recovery period was pretty much the most awful 5 days of pain I've ever experienced.  I was down for the count and definitely did not go back to work the next day. The pain meds they gave me didn't work...I was cramping, nauseous, bloated (I looked 5 months pregnant) and exhausted because I couldn't lay down to sleep. I had to sleep sitting up which, for those of you who have been pregnant, you know how uncomfortable that is.  I'm also still wrestling with the fact that they weren't able to do the implantation this week. I'm frustrated that I have to prolong this awful experience.  To top it all off...I found out yesterday, that of my 17 embryos, only 6 grew to the size they needed to be. I had great hopes that we would have at least 10 which would give us 5 opportunities to implant. I'm still trying to stay very positive and remember that I'm doing this so that Eric and I can have a family. 6 healthy frozen embryos is much better than what some women end up with.  I need to try and remember that we only need 2 of those 6 to work!

Anyway...I have been feeling a little bit better the past 2 days but I am still having some weird side effects...headaches, MORE bloating and some pretty intense muscle pain in my legs and back. I've called the Dr. a few times just to check up and see if it really takes this long to recover....apparently it does.  I cannot wait for the day I'm feeling better and can start the next chapter of this IVF process. Until then...I will just be patient.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Side Effects...

From the beginning, the process of taking injections was very overwhelming and frustrating. The most overwhelming was the day I received the box of meds, it was HUGE! I never in my life knew it would take so many injections just to have one tiny baby. I thought that it would be easier than it was for the fact that I've dealt with my arthritis and taking injections for 10 years now...boy was I wrong. I broke down crying the first few times because the injections were very painful and on a part of my body I'm not use to doing them on. I was so angry, frustrated and sad that I was having to go through this. Why would God allow me to go through medical turmoil again? I've dealt with illness my entire life and for once I wanted things to be easy...I didn't want to be poked and prodded by doctors, give myself injections, or deal with nasty side effects. I am again dealing with all of these things on top of the illness I already have.

The side effects have been no fun...horrible mood swings, bloating, bruises all over my stomach, loss of appetite, headaches, etc. Oh...and did I mention horrible mood swings? I've never really been one to cry a lot, but with the abundance of hormones I haven't been able to turn off the waterworks! Poor Eric...

I've tried to stay focused on the outcome of all of this, but it hasn't easy. I keep telling myself that this first round of injections is almost over and done with. I actually have 4 days left of it with my egg retrieval being on the 17th. I'm praying that it go well. I'm praying that God give me peace about my situation and for him to show me the good in it all. The one thing I do know is that even through I might get frustrated, disappointed, or down right pissed off.... he is right by my side and will be through the entire process.
Here is a picture of the insane amount of drugs....You would be overwhelmed too, Right??

This is the schedule I have to follow...Good thing they have spelled it out for me, I'd get confused!