Monday, April 9, 2012

Boy, OH BOY!

I'm 16 weeks pregnant and finally starting to show. While this is exciting, I've also realized it's not such a good thing. I've grown just enough so that my clothes are too tight, but I've not grown enough to fit into maternity clothes. So...the result is that I just look bloated...or pudgy in the belly. NOT cute. I call this the awkward pregnancy phase....I'm not a fan.
My appetite has returned and I've been feeling pretty good. I'm not so tired anymore either...thank goodness! The only bad symptom I've been having is pretty gross....well maybe not gross but definitely not fun. Can you say...constipation? UGH. The good news is that a few of my friends who have recently had babies gave me tips on how to get rid of this annoying lil problem. Let's hope they work...and soon! it’s time for the really important news. I had my first Dr. appt here in Texas today. I was told that by 16 weeks they might be able to tell the gender of our babies. So, naturally when I arrived I asked if they could please tell us what we were having. The ultrasound tech seemed pretty sure that it was too early to tell the sex of the babies but none the less said she would let us know if she saw anything. About 10 minutes into the ultrasound Baby A decided he wanted to let us know just exactly what HE was...a baby BOY! There was definitely no questioning that he was indeed a boy. After another 10 minutes or so the technician told us that she didn't think we would be able to find out the sex of the other baby. She just wasn't able to get a good view of that area. soon as those words came out of her mouth, Baby B decided that HE also wanted to show us exactly what HE was...a baby BOY!

I think we were both in a bit of shock...we had both been so certain that we were having one boy and one girl. But TWO boys? OOOOOOOH Boy. I'm a little bit nervous and a lot freaked out! Eric's first comment was "oh geez, now I'm going to have to buy double the sports equipment." LOL!! I'm glad he doesn't seem too freaked out. :)